
Why I chose Hikoi Adventures and you should too

By Sridevi Barla

‘Nothing good comes from scrolling mindlessly on Instagram’- well, I would disagree because that’s how I found Hikoi Adventures! Going on a trek with them is one of my best experiences in 2022.


I went to the Jindhagada trek conducted on November 12-13,2022 with 30 other people I’ve never met before. Yup, I traveled solo and it was my first time. Let me walk you through this very exciting episode of my life. I also answered some common doubts you might have. Keep reading to find out!



How it started


I am a typical 20-year-old who lived in Vizag her entire life. I have only been on family trips; solo travel is a foreign concept. Despite being in Paderu countless times, we have never attempted trekking. You know- it’s dangerous, you could fall, get hurt.


Now that you read the odds we’ll get into the main story. I was going through a rough patch in my life. I was thinking about a career shift and all the other things a perplexed young adult could think of. I badly needed a break. Also, I wanted to socialize a bit.


On a routine lazy morning, Hikoi Adventures showed up on my Instagram. I was thrilled to know such amazing treks happen so close to Vizag city. I called them up immediately. After a brief conversation with them, I knew I was going. What better way to catch a break than to behold nature’s magnificence?



Is it safe?


A question I was asked by everyone around me. I’m sure this question must’ve arisen in your mind too. From personal experience, I tell you that it is! Here are a few points to support my statement- firstly the trek leads are well-experienced. They come from a tribal background where this ‘trek’ is as common as an evening stroll. One of them was lucky enough to go to the Everest base camp. Secondly, Hikoi Adventures has organized this trek many times. People who have participated before left great reviews on google and Instagram. Lastly, each batch has people of all age groups. There are families that bring their kids, office colleagues, friends, and solo travelers. This makes them an ideal choice for female trekking enthusiasts.


With good guidance and care, Hikoi adventures make their treks as safe as possible. These points were convincing enough for my parents to send me on this trek.



How did going with a bunch of strangers feel?




You might assume I’m a social bee. I can assure you that I am not. I’ve always been a private person. However, I wished to try something bizarre. This seemed like the perfect opportunity.


I had cold feet when I reached the meeting point on the first day. I doubted if I can even enjoy the trek. Fast forward to the end of the trek- I returned to the meeting point with some amazing friends and priceless memories. People from all professions, places, and ages will come to take part in this experience. I got to meet some kind people including the Hikoi Adventures team. During the trek, I observed how each of us was so different yet similar in the love we had for nature.


It’s a given fact that different people have different stamina levels. Here’s when the team spirit shows up. A group then becomes a team. Helping one another along the way will bring you all closer at heart. This bond develops into friendship at the campfire. When there is music, singing, dancing, and dinner; you are bound to have a great time.



Beautiful is an understatement


Every minute of this trekking experience is filled with enchanting views of the eastern ghats. You will witness picturesque valleys, freshwater streams, and rocky terrains as you trek. While these views leave you wanting more, there is stargazing waiting for you at the campsite. The campsite is located at an altitude of 4500 ft where night skies are crystal clear unlike in the cities. I was bewitched by the starry sky. You might spot a meteor falling so keep an eye out for them.


Finally, the Jindhagada peak. It is exhilarating to know that you are on the highest peak of the eastern ghats. That moment when I stood there and looked around, every question in my life felt so small. The sunrise didn’t just warm the earth but also warmed my heart. Words cannot do justice to what you see and feel there.


Every word you read has come straight from my heart. I’m so glad I came out of my comfort zone and signed up for this. This experience is not to be missed if you have a taste for adventure. One weekend away from the hustle-bustle of our lives, in an offbeat location on top of a hill is now possible, thanks to Hikoi Adventures. Hope this read helped you. Happy trekking!


